Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's just the Beginning!

First post guys.  Just setting up this new account, making sure it works.  Stay tuned-- regular programming will follow shortly next week, perhaps.   You know... when life settles down! :)


Anonymous said...

Does life ever settle down? ;)

Anonymous said...

PS blogger follower widget is down (on everyone's blogs) so I'll have to come back to "follow".

Debbi said...

Ahh, that explains my issue with the other blog! Thanks for coming, hun!!

And no, life doesn't settle down. At least, if it did, I'd have nothing to write about! :(

rachaelgking said...

Congrats on the new digs! :-)

patty said...

bienvenida otra vez!!!!!

Suze said...

I'm glad to be stalking.....I mean.....following you're blog again. Looking forward to reading!

Lynn said...

Thanks for the invite! Love the title of your new blog. : D

holymotherofgod said...

okay let's roll!

Bry said...

anxiously waiting :)