Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Leaving the old Shell Behind

Okay, I'm totally frustrated--
this changing a blog business is trickier than I first thought.  I'm ALMOST at the point of yelling "psych" and going BACK to daisyhalos!  grrr. 

Nonetheless, glad you're all here.  I'm still working out tweeks, so bear with me.  *I know, you other bloggers out there, that starting a blog isn't rocket science, but I've got to deal with emails and permissions and blahdie blah blah blahghghg.

Other than that, things are awesome.
We moved from the Calgary house this weekend past-- a full move.  Sin and my mom and the GVs all came to help, and it was sooo appreciated.  I could NOT have finished the house in time without them.  It was depressing, though, having the house THAT clean!  I mean, honestly, who cleans their house like that EVER?!  And here I was, giving it to someone else!  :S

When all was packed up and out, and the last of the lights were turned off, I put my mail key and garage door opener on the counter and walked over to the stairs.
The tears fell down as I realized how many big moments I have had in that home.  The home I designed, and watched from "birth".  The home I taught 2 of my kids to walk in, including COUNTLESS dayhome kids.  The home of good memories, and yes, of the bad ones.  The night of the affair, the first night after Chris left, the numerous nights of walking with the girls, the night I met Will, the MILLION nights spent on the phone with him, and then, the night before our wedding.  So many nights and so many days of significant moments. It was MY house.  I worked hard to make it a home of comfort and a home of love, and leaving it was bittersweet.

yes, I know there are better things in THIS home, and soon, I'll have lots of good memories here too. 

Like, watching Will take down walls.  :)  He took out the wall in the kitchen while I was in Calgary, and we're both very excited about turning this house into "US".  Of course, I'll post photos.

Anyways, I've got so much to do, but just thought I'd warn ya'll that blogging lately is tough, and to top it off, blogging with this new blog has been a headache.  So bear with me while I revamp and get this blog ready. 



Anonymous said...

I feel your blogging pain. Take heart though, I'm worse off than you, I'm still mastering the art of posting pictures where I want them...

Grand Pooba said...

Moving is so bittersweet!

Lynn said...

There's always a bit of pain with any change. (Blog included. LOL!) Sometimes that pain is a good stretch. In the end it makes us stronger. Good on you for making SO many changes this year and sticking by them. Your courage and strength is to be admired.
HAng in there.

We will be patiently waiting as this new blog (story) unfolds.

Unknown said...

love you debbi:)

again another common thread for us...i had to leave my beautiful house behind also.

we had designed it from the dirt on up, and i. loved. it.

i was forced to sell it by a husband who had told me before that he wanted me and our kids to live there.

when i was in school, in the middle of a final exam, and blah blah blah.

i had to find a half decent house that someone would rent to a single mother with three kids and two big ass dogs who didn't have a job and was in college.

fun times;)

so that brings back memories. good ones and bad.

i can't wait to see your new house...i bet it is FULL of love.

and awesome.


p.s. i will always be comforted by the fact that the ex-husband made us sell the house two months before the housing boom hit calgary. even though i lost probably half of another 75K it was almost totally worth it.

Debbie Jo said...

YAY I can comment now....not sure why I could not before. Its the same with Heather's blog...cannot seem to get a comment in. Argh

So glad you are all moved in, and safe. I'll miss you tons and tons...but I'll probably see you more in Cardston, than I ever did in Calgary! HA!

Thanks to you for asking me to help out...I have lost 3 more lbs! WOOT WOOT

deb@virginia blue said...

happy for you that you have the move behind you now :) it's always a tough thing to leave a home full of memories behind... it's kind of like walking away from little pieces of yourself.

can't wait to see the new house and start reading about all the new memories you're making.


Jo Jo said...

can't WAIT to read more and more :) yay for new happy, loving, fun filled, big family memories to come :)
congrats again and we'll all be here when you update!