Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Flightfest

Hey guys,
A few fractions of info for my friends.

I officially opened this blog to the public again. I decided that having a private blog that I don't write in very often is kinda pointless. And I miss Daisyhalos. ALMOST to the point of going back to it. So, instead, I'll just open this one unless I feel threatened again. That, and everyone keeps telling me that it doesn't show up on their feeds, so maybe this will work better?

I'm headed to Vancouver tonight. Back to my 'home'. Although it's totally not the same anymore. But Will's never been there, so although it's only for a few days, and we're vehicle-less, it'll be nice to show him around some of the good parts. We're volunteering in order to work at the Olympics! :)!!!! And, the best part is that we'll be childless, as the kids are staying here with my sister!

So, I'm off to pack everyone. But I thought I'd update for a brief sec.


Heather May said...

Have fun! I've never been to Vancouver. It's on my hit list. Maybe next summer.

I fixed my news real so that your blog updates. For anyone else that needs help, I copied the link and hit add, and went through all the steps for adding a new blog to my reading list. It corrected it's self without me having to delete you. And it didn't add a second copy either. Hope that helps :)

holymotherofgod said...

Enjoy Vancouver (grrr wishes I were there too) say hello to it for me =)

GuppiesGalore said...

What's a couple more kids for T? They must just blend right in. :) I'll bet she loves it! I can't wait to have loads of neices and nephews. :)

Cyndi said...

It fixed my news feed too. So it must have been something about keeping it private.

Hope you have a great trip and have fun! <3

Claudine said...

Um...would you call me? So that uh...we can hang out? Or maybe you'll be too busy again..sadly whatever...CALL ME!

Grand Pooba said...

Woo hoo! I'm gonna go update your feed or whatever on my blog roll. Have fun in Vancouver!