Friday, November 13, 2009

Control Freaks

In a new marriage, there are some things that suck change. Lots doesn't. But, some does.

For example, Will wakes up WAY before me, ALL. THE. TIME. And, I am TOTALLY a morning person, but I'm jealous shocked that he gets less sleep than me, and still functions better. What's up with that?

Because I used to start work WAY earlier than Chris ever had to, I kept the alarm beside me in bed. I am the type who doesn't push snooze-- I HATE SNOOZE. I just wake up, and get going on my day.

But Will.
Bless his heart.

He has control issues. Well, at least when it comes to the alarm! ;) He needs the alarm beside him. He needs to push snooze for 1/2 an hour. He needs to not only push the snooze a million times, but he needs to let the radio PLAY in between snoozes for HOWEVER LONG IT TAKES until he hears the full news-reel and weather. You know how, after 20 minutes the news repeats? yah. I know every. frikken. morning. about H1N1 and what Obama's up to next. Three times over.

But, being the conniving super awesome wife that I am, I am saving up to get my way for something better I let Will keep the alarm on his side. I am even getting used to the annoying fantastic news every morning.

Well, the past few days, I've been sleeping at my sister's house while she's away and I'm watching her children. Usually, Will calls my cellphone to wake me up. Last night was TV night (Survivor -- AWESOME!, and Flash Forward--LOVE IT!, and GREY'S--mmmmm) so I stayed home with Will until we had watched all the TV we could handle. It was about midnight when I got up to leave.

Turns out, the kids had locked me out of the house. So, instead, I crawled into my warm bed beside Will. He set the alarm, and we laid in each other's arms and fell to sleep.

The alarm went off.
Will woke me up.
I got out of bed, put on clothes, picked up the keys to the van, and started driving.
Got 1/2 way back to my sister's house, when I looked at the clock.



I pulled a u-turn, and when I crawled back into bed, Will looked perplexedly at me.

What are you doing back now?
Will,...what time is it?
....(checks clock)
Are you serious? What the heck??

Turns out that Em's phone (which was confiscated and in our room charging) rang because her friend texted her. At 3:30 in the morning.


I soooo need to get my OWN alarm on MY side of the bed.


Our Family Adventure said...

I am seriously laughing. Been there, done that... we now have two alarms. One for him and one for me. To the point I wake up before my "I will never be awake before that time EVER!" time each day so I do not have to listen to the snooze hit a million bajillion times! ;o) And it has been 7 years!!! SMILE!

Grand Pooba said...

Oh my gosh, you left at 3:30 and didn't realize it?! Sorry, but that's so funny!

I am one of "those" snooze pushing people too. My husband didn't used to be but after 8 years, I've converted him and we both have our own alarm clocks set to go off at different times. Each set 1/2 hour before we have to wake up.

It's nuts in the morning.

Unknown said...

Wow. Wouldn't you have felt that you only got 3 hours sleep?! Goodness!

My DH and I have solved this problem too; one alarm clock for both of us. Plus, he wakes up to BEEP BEEP and I wake up to the radio, so there's no confusion as to whose alarm is going off.

Kristi said...

That definitely was a funny entry. Not only because what Will does now was what I used to do when I lived in my own room and got up on my own time, but because it's a marriage thing!
Now, when I need to get up before him, I set my alarm. When he has to get up, he sets his own. However we both have gotten used to waking up naturally WITH his alarm. I just end up going back to sleep after he kisses me good bye. And we also have different ringtones to wake up to.
I used to wake up to the news every morning, like I said, but there have been too many times on my radio station that I try to cue it up to the music, and I get talking. I HATE talking first thing in the morning.

Tamara said...

I hear you but for us it is the cellphones - we use them as our alarms. I hate listening to the hubbys ring atleast 30 mins prior to him getting even close to removing himself from the bed. I used to wake up to a travel alarm so there was no sleep button and I had to wake up. Now I am getting used to the ring and can usually "doze" through it.

Anonymous said...

we have the exact same problem! I have NEVER been a snooze person. What's the point?? Cause then you're half asleep, why not set it for the actual time you want to get up?? We solved it with me having my own alarm, and I sleep with ear plugs so I don't hear his alarm (the radio across the room) but hear mine right beside me. The ear plugs also kill two birds with one stone as he snores sometimes!!

The Bullknitter said...

Hate. Snooze. I believe it was invented by the devil himself.

kare said...

Is Will related to my DH??? He's a snooze-a-holic, too, to the point where he has to use his cell phone on his side of the bed, because I confiscated the alarm clock to MY side of the bed, because I can't deal with an HOUR of snooze-buttoning. (Like I said before - are they related??)

Mind you, since a month after the babe arrived, he's been relegated to the living room anyways, since his alarm kept waking her up, too!! Hahahahaha! Unfortunately, he's still out there, since he's been so sick. Poor guy. Segregated for an alarming illness. (Sorry. That was just too easy.)

JessicaRae said...

OMG Will does this... freaking ANNOYING! Im a get up when the alarm goes of person too.... If i dont have to get up when your alarm goes off... i surely dont want to listen to BEEP BEEP or music/ talking for half an hour when i could be sleeping!

holymotherofgod said...

You win, you win! Here I am bitching about an 8am wakeup call but 3am wins. Omg I would so text that kid back once I realized what had happened. ARGH!!!

Anonymous said...

Ya can get an alarm clock at walmart for $10....might wanna splurge on that. ;)

Lynn said...

HA HA. It's funny (well maybe Funny isn't the word I should use here) how when the Teenagers get punished or grounded from something.....we ALWAYS end up being the ones who suffer for it. LOL! Oops. I know. NOT funny. ; D

Sheila said...

Hi, I'm a friend of a friend. I came across your blog last year and have enjoyed you so much. Glad you are opened up to us again.
MY hubby is the snooze guy. It wakes me up and then I worry that he hasn't woken up and I lay there awake until he decides to finally get up. I have a child like this too and she is now a working/university student. I just don't get it. I get up when the alarm goes off. that's what it is for. ISn't marriage and family life interesting. A bunch of different types of people with different habits all trying to adjust to each other. I love your attitude. It helps me and inspires me. Thanks for letting us into your life.

EmmaP said...

awww.... cute! I am NOT a morning person. and I hate snooze, but I HAVE to set my alarm at east 30 minutes before I need to get up. Mostly, because I do NOT hear it and it needs to keep going until my mind figures out it's morning. However, I DO hit snooze when I do happen to hear it cuz... after all... who couldn't use an exta 30 minutes of sleep? hehehe!

The Lawlor's said...

Before I got married, my Stake President told me that if we don't want to fight about how each other squeezes out the toothpaste, get two tubes of toothpaste.

So I say, get two alarm clocks. We do, and it works great!

Staccey said...

ROFL! My hubby used to do the same snooze thing - DROVE ME NUTS - thankfully the donkeys braying, roosters (and BTW, the ones here don't seem to know they are only supposed to cockle-doodle-doo in the morning - they crow all night long), and friendly neighbors honking as they pass by are our alarms now.
Still your talent of putting your thoughts into a blog both made me feel like I was sitting across from a table from you - and reminded me of past 30 minute snoozes......