Monday, November 9, 2009

Not Me Monday- Not Fair!


So, I am NOT the biggest slacker EVER on the whole "I'm gonna keep up with the blog lately" vow from last week. Nope, NOT ME! I would also NOT like to say that I have NOT been preoccupied getting busy over my cold, working and doing regular stuff. I do NOT look forward to having some other excuse for not blogging.

It was NOT crappy to realize that I have lived in this Mo-Town for nearly 3 months now, and I do NOT have NOTHING to really show for it. I mean, my house is still NOT the same it was the day I moved in (other than that 1/2 wall), my social life is just NOT the most pathetic ever, and I am NOT getting fatter by the minisecond!

Oh wait. I did NOT get older. Not Lame.

ANYWHOOZLE, I do NOT have no excuse. This raising-a-teenage-daughter thing is so NOT all craptastic! I have NOT freaked out more than once when she didn't come home one day after school, only to find out she was NOT at her friend's house. Oh, and I will NOT mention that her friend is a HE. And I would NEVER mention that this HE is also older than her and in high school. NOPE, that would just NOT be soo cool, hey?! I will also NOT mention that after discussing it with her father and I that night, she did NOT proceed to do THE EXACT SAME THING the next day. Nope. She would NEVER be that much of a pain fun! I am not sure that children are meant to be dang cute when they're young, because USUALLY parents can remember that cuteness at moments like this. I, as you all know, did NOT totally skip that cute-childhood stage with Will's kids, and am NOT totally thinking I got a crappy deal out of it! ;S It's like I have to now NOT love them in spite of not having that to fall back on! Who's bleepitybleep idea was this teenage thing anyways?! ;) And I only have 14 more years of it to go. Whoooo.

Oh, and I do NOT like that she's failing some subjects in school because she's been too lazy to bring her homework home. No, that part is my FAVOURITE. I really enjoyed going to her school to be THAT Mom and finding all this out. Next week is NOT report cards, and Will and I have NOT been grounding her until her homework is up to date. I do NOT stress about this, because I love her, but also because I know that her mother will NOT be seeing said report card, and will NOT totally think I'm a deadbeat stepmother if I send home a report card with an F on it... especially since Em is an honours student. (when she does her homework)

I think I could NOT write a novel about the pains of raising a teenager even just from my OWN teenage experiences. That being said, I think my mother is totally NOT laughing her face off at this post! I do NOT think I was SOOOO due some seriously bad teenage antics based on the teenager I was. I do NOT think that Karma sucks too! ;) I am NOT so NOT cut out for this.


Grand Pooba said...

Oh dear, that's got to be the hardest thing ever! Jumping in mid stream and raising someone else's kids is tough. Especially teenage GIRLS!

Hang in there!

Tamara said...

Yikes, please don't remind me what we have to look forward to with our "darling angels"! Good to see you bloggin again.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the whole 'breaking in to the small town' social thing. Must be hard. I'm sure the whole blended family adjustment will have some major bumps in the road, remember to take care of yourself! A nice nap, long shower, date night, goes a long way! Good luck!!

Lynn said...

Hang in there. I have a feeling that someone is testing someone BIG time to see how far she can push someone's buttons. Did you get all that?? LOL!

Prove to her that you love her by sticking to your guns.

Anyway....HANG. IN. THERE. This too shall pass. Believe me I know. My youngest will NOT know what hits her when she hits that age. I am SOooooo ready for her to be a teenager now. Ha! ; )

EmmaP said...

my oldest had straight A's in elem. Practially failed out of Jr High, but now is acing high school... **sigh** I dont get it either... good luck... thanks for the laugh!