Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wanna play along?!

I'm having one of those days.

Technically, this day kinda built up to being one of "those days". And, as much as I should try to punch everyone in the face stay all positive and optimistic, it's just not going to work today.

So, I'm gonna play the blame game. We all LOVE the blame game!

Let's just *starts singing* blame it on the rain (yah yah). Don't think you won't have that song in your head all day! Muahahaha. You're welcome.

It has been raining for two days now. People are getting flooded basements. And last night, as Will was working on the house (can I get a woop woop!?) we realized that our roof has a leak. Good times. And the rain hasn't stopped. So, that leak??? Yah, STILL leaking. I must say, in the midst of all the dirt and dust, the ceiling is starting to look really good though.

Let's blame it on the rain that everybody is tired today. Because, I don't know about anyone else, but I sleep SOOOOO well when I can hear the rain outside. A little white noise or something, and I'm out. Which then turns into "Debbi's sleeping so soundly that she starts to dream really ridiculous things ALL FRIGGEN NIGHT" and thus I wake slightly MORE tired than when I went to bed, I'm sure. Getting out of bed when there is no light streaming through the windows is tough. Getting out of a WARM bed to a rainy day is tougher. Getting out of bed to have to go outside immediately to pick up some daycare kids... REALLY sucky. I got there, and everyone at THAT house had also slept in so I had to help them get ready. Which really isn't that big of a deal to me. I thought I'd just complain about it like it was.

Blame it on the rain that I have been feeling really self-conscious lately. Just the thought that I can't fit into ALL of my pants a certain pair of pants. The thought of seeing someone beautiful and wishing you had her lips, or her eyes, or her butt! Not that I was checking out some girl's butt.. I mean... uh... just sayin' uh..yah..

Blame it on the rain that I feel VERY house-bound, which in turn, makes me feel very small-town-bound and a tad resentful of the community that I live in. Which is a good community. But grrrrrr to not being able to walk through a dry, warm mall and windowshop just to get out of the house.

Blame it on the rain for crappy messages from people. Or for my inability to get over the messages. Or for Mimi breaking my wall clock by accident. Or for kittens crapping on my floor behind my sofa. And stinking up my house-- one of my BIGGEST pet peeves.... I hate stinky houses.

Blame the rain for the possibility of snow, and the fact that I have to drive my kids to Calgary tomorrow to see their Dad for the first time since MARCH! And, you know, not to complain or anything, but I'm SO SICK of hearing about "Chris Daddy", and how much they miss him. I have to stay neutral and pleasant, but I just want to shout SHUDDUP ABOUT DADDY CHRIS ALREADY!!! I don't want to hear about him. Not because it hurts, or because we're angry at each other, or because the kids have said certain things, but because I just don't have the energy to deal with them missing him so badly. To put them to bed each night and answer "I don't know" when they ask when they'll see him again, and to see the hope in their eyes die a little each time I answer. And I don't have the energy not to snap at Chris himself because of how much him being gone hurts the kids... even though him being away isn't really his fault. Although they are definitely bonding more to Will, often just referring to him as "Dad" (instead of "Will" or even "Daddy Will"). Them missing their Dad is something Will OR I can't replace. And my heart hurts for that.

Blame the rain for my frizzy hair. I dyed it last night. Well, I taught Em how to dye it. RED. Because I think red hair is fun, and feisty and I was ready for a bit of a change. I'm not used to looking in the mirror yet, and if I don't like it after a week, I can always change it back. But Will likes it. It's like he's sleeping with THIS: (who doesn't wanna channel their inner Bree Vandecamp anyways?! ;) I mean...uh...what I was trying to say think I hear my Mom calling... I've had fun being several colours ;)
(the blonde a.k.a Summer me)
(the dark a.k.a Winter me)
(the red a.k.a.FIESTY me)


Our Family Adventure said...

I can relate to this on SO many levels! Love the hair!!!

Debbie Jo said...

Love the redness! You are too hot for me babes!

Lynn said...

That color is Gorgeous on you!

The Bullknitter said...

Love that last picture!

Jodie said...

Debbi I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE TOTALLY LOVE the red on you :) I think you should rock it for a few months, and when we are deeper into summer you can add a few blonde bits, but overall, wow :)

EmmaP said...

first of all, don't ya mean, "let's just start Lip Suncing "Blame it on the Rain"??? hahaha!

2nd of all... loved all that other stuff you said there in the middle ;)

and thirdly -- lovin the red, girl. you one hot mama!

oh - and i *also* slept well due to the rain, and *also* had a weird deep-sleep dream. I was visiting my old college roomie in WY and her BFF (female) was there as of course her husband was too... and they BOTH were trying to hit on me At.The.Same.Time. I can't even WRITE what they were doing as I am sure I'd get thrown in jail! but. yeah... talk about WEIRD dreams!

Kristi said...

I promise, on my honour, to do my best, to do my duty to god, the queen and my country, to help other people at all times, and to never have a stinky house for you.