Tuesday, September 7, 2010

If Someone Had Told Me It'd Be Like This.....

What Anniversary are you Celebrating?
Our first! The premier. The maiden. The initial. The Foremost. The Ichiban.

What Will You Be Doing To Celebrate?
Um. That's kinda personal! LOL No, we're headed into 'the big city' to eat dinner. Funny enough, Will's sister called us this morning while we were still groggy and in bed to sing the "happy anniversary" song to us and asked us if we're going to do anything special. He answered, coyly, "we're doing it!" Funny, she laughed and said goodbye quite quickly after! LOL

What Significant Thing Happened This Year To Make You Fall More In Love?
Honestly, when it's the first year, EVERYTHING is significant, because everything is the 'first'. First Christmas. First fight. First trip. First funeral/wedding. (no, not at the same time, obviously) I'd probably venture to say that our trips to the states to buy appliances was a big one for me. We had no 'plans'. No time schedules. We were JUST US, and in love and it recharged me immensely.

What Do You Wish You Did This Year As A Couple?
Well, finishing the house woulda been nice, but we had sooo much of 'life' happen that I wouldn't want to miss those moments either. We talk about going away... FAR AWAY... somewhere hot, so maybe we'll get to that this year?

What Was The Biggest Fight You Had and What Was It About?
We had probably three good ones that I can recall. I mean, when you ask what they're about, it's not usually just about ONE big thing. For us, it's usually stemming from a series of misinterpretations and assumptions and hurt feelings that bottle up and then somewhat explode. One was about a sweater I owned. One was about Jeremy not going to bed. And one...sadly... is about something I can't even remember. It has a soundtrack, though, and two of our kids witnessed us being absolutely childish. Sad day.

What Did You Learn About Your Spouse That You Never Knew Before?
LOTS!!!! I mean, I go back to the whole 'first year' thing. Bathroom habits and eating preferences and which lights of the house to leave on and what NOT to say at certain times....
But, for the first time in BOTH my and Will's married lives, we told each other our 'deepest, darkest secret.' Something neither of us had ever told another spouse. It was a very scary moment, opening up a recessed corner of our pasts so vulnerably. But maybe that's why our previous marriages didn't work so well-- maybe we didn't let the other person have enough dirt on us to scare us into NEVER leaving for fear of blackmail!? lol

What Was The Biggest Challenge You Faced Together?
Raising our children.

What Would You Have Changed About This Year?
I would have changed nothing-- I am happy about where I stand today, and I am happy about the progress personally and as a couple we have made financially, emotionally, intellectually and especially spiritually. I look forward to the next year as a tough, busy year, and would want NOTHING to change about what I see. So, if changing one thing made anything else change, I don't want it.

What One Specific Thing Do You Love About Your Spouse Today?
One???? As if! Alright, alright, I'll play along. I love that he makes my happiness come above his own.

So, if someone had told me it'd be like this, I would have done it a million times over. And so we shall.

1 comment:

Lynn said...