Friday, December 4, 2009

Things We Do For Fun

Oh, welcome back to another tour of Mo-town. Mo-town isn't just ANY Mormon Town. Nope-- Mo-Town has a LOT to offer.

Like, free family skating. I don't even LIKE skating, and have found myself enjoying it more and more each time we go. Will loves skating, and, if I didn't know he was currently working right now, I'd expect him to be outside babying his backyard hockey rink. He's BORN for the ice. Me... not so much.

But, Bear is just like him. Heads outside in ANY weather, and wants to be JUST LIKE Will. Even cut his hair like him recently.

LL and Mimi don't skate as proficiently, but in just a few tries, Mimi will let go of his hand for a few minutes. To pick her nose, but whatever. I personally think she just would rather skate with Daddy Will because Mom-- well, Mom isn't that helpful! :)

And Em skates well. She's USUALLY with her friends who just so happen to MAGICALLY show up (by themselves during FAMILY skate time) and distract her. Not that I hate that.

But, either way you spell it, family skate time is one of those things that us Mo's enjoy here in Mo-Town. Not because it's pretty much the ONLY thing to do, but because we actually like it.


The Bullknitter said...

We usually find ourselves there sometime over the holidays.

Grand Pooba said...

Hahaha! The pics of you and Mimi.