I think, for a few times in the next six months, I'll NOT be 'posting' blogs that I have already posted on the X-weighted site. They do NOT have this 'blog' section, so seeing as blogging ONCE a day seems tough enough for me, I am in NO WAY blogging twice a day! :)
This weekend Will and I did NOT have another AWESOME weekend alone. We dropped of the 4 kids, then went to a movie with Sin and Vegan (Sherlock Holmes). It was a good enough movie.
Saturday, I did NOT wake up much too early, and Will and I went to a rehearsal for the community play that we are part of. I'm playing a very small role as a nun in The Sound Of Music, with a few little dancing or speaking parts here and there. Will is a German Soldier and a ballroom dancer.
Then, we did NOT spend the day going out for lunch, playing my new guitar at home, reading our book, watching movies, and just being us.
I also do NOT have difficulty walking down stairs, after the fitness assessment we did on Saturday night. I do NOT have to start running again. I am totally NOT unenthusiastic about the treadmill and me spending that much time together for the next 4 months until it's nicer outside. But I am NOT excited about getting back into a better shape than 'round'.
(X-Weighted's BLOG, posted on the Website)
Ha. Starting this challenge brings me back to the first time I stood on the scale with Paul... my fat hung out over the pants that had a busted button and I was feeling soooo yucky and sad.
So, doing the fitness assessment again this weekend, and starting yet ANOTHER 6 month weightloss regime is a bit surreal.
But this time?
I have clothes that fit me. And mostly, I am happy. This time, I don't have 50 or more pounds to lose. But I do have a few post-wedding pounds that have crept up these past 4 months and a few that stayed on with the stress of divorce. I'm not okay with being that yo-yo girl, so National Challenge or not, I knew it was time to get a move on and start losing this weight.
It's still the same as it was when I was on the show- weightloss isn't a secret. It's diet and exercise. That's pretty easy, right? No pills, no starving. Just simply living the way we already know we SHOULD be living.
UNFORTUNATELY, in marrying Mr. Wonderful, I also married Mr. Metabolism. Will can eat whatever he wants, and whenever he wants. Oh. And, he's also Mr. Sweettooth. Curses to him! :) He's going to be my biggest supporter (not because he thinks I need to lose weight, but because he knows how important it is to ME to be fit and healthy), but I also know he will be the first to unintentionally sabotage my efforts with his "let's stop for burgers' or 'let's make some nachos and cuddle' attitude. And I'm so newlywed, and he's so cute when he suggests it, that how can I say No?! ;)
Can I just say, I love ya darling?!!!
I'm so excited about this national challenge.
they recommend I lose 40 lbs...yeeesh....not cool. But its over a pound a week...I think I can manage. I just need to find a treadmill! Argh. C'ya
My recommendation was 2pds, hmmm think that was off by about 18. LOL
I read your part of the x-weighted website and loved it! I have one complaint, why won't they let people in the states watch the episodes? Grrrr.
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