Monday, August 2, 2010

Not Me Monday- Quiet Summer


Where I surely talk about the things I DID NOT do this weekend.

Like, I did NOT do NOTHING! ;) Will and I drove out to Bearfoot Beach to help my grandmother rebuild the dock. Okay, so Will rebuilt it-- I did NOT cheer him on. And, no, I was NOT the 'counter-weight' for the screws he couldn't get in...
don't start, VL.

Other than going to church, I did NOT go over to my S-I-L's house where Sin, Bell and their spouses and us did NOT play cards until WAY past my bedtime!!! Will and I did NOT get to bed last night at 3 am- and did NOT sleep in until 10:45! It's NOT been nice having summer, and having the kids with Chris for the weekend.

Today may be a BIT more productive-- I am off to Cowtown to go pick the kids back up.
Yep. I'm NOT super awesome like that that I do NOT have NOTHING I *HAVE* to do!!! :)

1 comment:

Grand Pooba said...

You are NOT super awesome

(And by that I mean ARE)