Thursday, May 19, 2011

My kids are totally worth a nipple or two

Okay.  Out the door in, like, five minutes to go be one awesome soccer mom.  It's raining and friggen cold out there and I'm pretty sure there'll be more than a few frozen nipples found on the grass, but us soccer moms endure it for the kids. mom is wayyyyyy better than football mom-- football moms have to endure snow.  Blegh.  I am both, but would prefer to mom.  Or chess club mom.  Maybe even something more sporty like tanning bed mom.

Then, after soccer, I turn into super-rad dance mom (shut it...rad is going to make a comeback soon with the MC Hammer pants and crimped hairstyles I see in magazines)..  It's recital night off I go to do the jonbenet ramsey thing and douse my five year old in makeup.  Yep...see?  Super mom.  But when they turn out this cute...can you blame me for loving it?!

1 comment:

EmmaP said...

you said NIPPLE?!?! wow... that's like, totally rad! :)