Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I have gone five months now (which, according to our classes, qualifies as a chronic issue once you've passed three months,) dealing with the politics at school. Inevitably, when you put a hundred girls together every single day, alllllll day, and add stressful situations, you would be foolish not to expect some back-biting and/or drama.

But when every student feels like one or four of the hundred are pulling you down because of stupid questions, what do we do?

Instead of backbiting or gossiping, we (myself included) go privately to the instructors. Who then come back to our class to lecture us on being catty or stuck up. And then they give extra time during tests to those people who aren't keeping up.

My thoughts:
if they can't keep up now... why do we want to graduate them through the program and put people's lives in their hands? I take nursing very seriously. When we graduate, I honestly have some fellow students that I will NOT allow to attend to my family/loved ones. This is serious. I'm quite frustrated.

1 comment:

My Many Coloured Days said...

Unfortunately I can completely relate. I sit there often shaking my head at the thought that some of these people could be my children's future teachers. I agree that the problem is the education system though... there needs to be a better weed out method.